- He obviously was gaining popular support: membership grew from 389,000 at the beginning of 1931 to 800,000 by the end of that year. In this book Hitler: A study in Tyranny by Alan Bullock, Hitler was almost compared to a demagogue. Since he was very good at manipulating the army and the young Party. Therefore, since Hitler was so charismatic and talented at gaining popular support- the only thing for leaders to do (such as the French Military Attaché, Colonel Chapouilly) is to"use him and win him over" (page 190). I find that similar to kind of things you see in the movies- when someone is so powerful and the people truly respect and love- if you don't get on their side then you are bound to lose.
-the Nazi Party was well organised and had the support of Alfred Hugenberg. He was a millionaire who owned 53 newspapers. Hugenberg had begun to support Hitler in the 1920s. All of his newspapers backed Hitler. IE.. PATRONAGEHow did Hitler gain power? What tactics did he use? According to this website:
-Hitler hired a private plane to fly around Germany. He was the first politician to do this. When he landed he had two Mercedes cars to carry him from place to place. This meant that he could speak in many towns on the same day. IE.. SPEAKS EVERYWHERE
-Hitler told the German people that the problems of the Depression were not their fault. He blamed the Jews for Germany's problems. He used them as a scapegoat. Hitler said that he would be able to solve the problems and promised different things to different groups of people. To businessmen he promised that he would control the Trade Unions and deal with the Communists. To workers he promised that he would provide jobs. IE.. TAKES BLAME OFF THE GERMANS- no more GUILT, such as that which they got from the war guilt clause. PROMISES PEOPLE WHAT THEY WANT
-Hitler said that he would do away with the Treaty of Versailles, which had treated Germany so badly. Hitler was always backed up by large numbers of disciplined and uniformed followers - this made it appear that he was a man who could take decisions and sort out Germany's problems. I.E. HE APPEARED STRONG- a little machiavellian
-On 27th February, just a week before the election, the Reichstag caught fire and burnt down. A communist, Franz van der Lubbe was arrested inside. Hitler used this as an excuse to arrest many members of the Communist Party, his main opponents. I.E. GET RID OF OPPONENTS BY BLAMING THEM FOR THE FIRE
- Finally on 30th June 1934 Hitler eliminated his opponents within the Nazi Party in the "Night of the Long Knives". 400 members of the Sturm Abteilung, the Brownshirts, and other people, who Hitler did not trust were murdered. I.E. GAIN POWER BY MURDERING ALL THOSE AGAINST HIM
-When President Hindenburg died in August 1934, Hitler was finally able to gain total power and combined the posts of chancellor and president, giving himself the title of Fuhrer. All members of the armed forces now had to swear an oath of loyalty to him. I.E. GAINED SUPPORT OF ARMY AND PRESIDENT SINCE HE BECAME PRESIDENT AND ARMY WAS FORCED TO SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO HIM
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