Monday, May 25, 2009


I can see that zak- considering that there is no way that Hitler could've come to power had there not been an underlying feeling of anti-semitism. The Jews in Prussia had a lot of financial success- and when one group is extra productive- everyone else tends to get jealous and feel threatened (this would be the already established aristocracy). When Napoleon established this emancipation and gave the wealthy and already established Jews equal rights, the aristocracy got even angrier. So in reality, this anti-semitism in Prussia/Germany has its seeds in jealousy. I guess Hitler just played off of this jealousy of Jews when he was trying to gain and maintain power. With my previous post, i discovered that Hitler chose the Jews as his victims because he believed them to be the most logical and pragmatic choice. This obviously wouldn't have been possible had it not been for Napoleon's contribution when he was in charge of Prussia. 
All of these tyrannical leaders seem to be interconnected in one form or another.

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