Monday, May 25, 2009

Holocaust Doesn't Unite Germans

Okay, yes hitler was one to demonstrate his power through all of the propaganda and FORCE that was used, but i have to disagree a little bit with Grace about how Hitler used the Holocaust "to unite the German people." Yes, since Hitler was legally voted into power- the majority of people were united by his powerful words promoting "CHANGE," but i'm not sure that the holocaust in of itself united the german people. Perhaps the Nazi's were united by the sheer grief and terror of having to kill so many people. But i remember from some article we read in class, that a lot of Nazi's questioned Hitler and questioned his reasoning for all this killing. Also, plenty of good germans hid Jews in their homes and a good number also didn't approve of the killing at all. But i think that the majority just had NO IDEA what was actually going on. Or at least they denied the fact that they had any clue whatsoever. Therefore the Holocaust didn't actually unite the German people in a positive light of "woo hoo hitler is awesome!" But the Holocaust actually united the german people and the jewish people through sheer terror.

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