Friday, April 17, 2009

Zak and back to our discussion!

Okay, so basically GROUP- i figured since our conversation has died in the past couple weeks and neither of you answered the questions i posed in my last post- i'll bring our conversation back to the root of our debate: totalitarianism. You guys should check out this website because it compares a totalitarian regime and a dictatorship once again showing that a totalitarian regime wants TOTAL control, and not merely political control and the tot. regime is usually lead by a "charismatic leader," in Germany's situation that charismatic leader would be Mr. Adolf Hitler. This video, Hitler spoke with great conviction the words, "germany will be revenged, a new and greater reich will rise form the ashes, every german will have a job and bread." The masses responded in favor of this man who had a "stronger will" than the rest of the people. Maybe I have mentioned this before, but i am certain that cas has talked about this in class- that Rousseau's concept of the general will, played a big role in the coming about of the Totalitarian state.  Wikipedia says that " Jacob Talmon characterized Rousseau's "general will" as leading to a Totalitarian Democracy because, Talmon argued, the state subjected its citizens to the supposedly infallible will of the tyranny of the majority." If I am not mistaken, with the concept of the general will, if the people were unhappy with the way they were being lead, they could uproot the leaders and rule the country with a better general will. Hitler certainly uprooted Germany, took control (even if he was democratically elected), and made the citizens follow this supposed "infallible will of the tyranny of the majority." 

So now that i've proposed this link between Rousseau's general will and Hitler's totalitarian state- do either of you guys agree with me or disagree with me? Perhaps you can think back to another philosopher from the enlightenment that influenced the coming of the totalitarian state? ANY NEW IDEAS? 

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