Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Triumph Of The Will

As Grace says, Peter the Great was a totalitarian dictator, and Hitler obviously was too. I agree that it is hard to compare the two due to the extremely different circumstances and time periods that they were both prevalent in. Hitler had a lot more technology and ability to control the media than Peter the Great had in his time. Cas told me to look at how Hitler gained his control and to what extent to which this control was taken. I am writing this blog post as i watch part of  "Triumph of the Will." This movie is a piece of Nazi Propaganda created by Leni Riefenstahl and it chronicles the 1934 Nazi Party Congress in Nuremberg. Wikipedia says, "The overriding theme of the film is the return of Germany as a great power, with Hitler as the True German Leader who will bring glory to the nation." Firstly, there has been no speaking for the first 8 minutes of the film and only a lot of intense nationalistic and triumphant music to support Hitler's parade down a long street filled with supporters. This movie further shows just how successfully Hitler converted the German nation to believe in what he advocated for. All of these people that are lined up with their arms in the air, saluting him, it's terrifying actually and almost cult-like. Now, in the movie the Nazi army is being humanized- they are laughing and joking around with a hose as they spray their friends and bathe. Wow! The Nazi's are awesome and so organized, careful, healthy, united, and supportive of their nation and their father figure of Hitler. Wow, in the movie they just called him "hail father!" Hitler does seem to be a god-like father figure- everyone supports, respects, and fears him. Do they love him? I don't know. This movie seems to show that they love "working" for him. As Hitler drives down the street once more (still no talking and we are 25 minutes into the movie) everyone is smiling- therefore i'd say that after watching this movie- i've come to the conclusion that Hitler's control was DEFINITELY all powerful and totalitarian.
I'm now curious to check the statistics for how many germans didn't follow hitler because r it looks to me like EVERYONE supported him.

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