Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This is still happening?

I just want to say that i am appalled by what i am reading in the textbook, "The Serbs and Croats, both of whom disliked the Muslim Bosnians, were especially well equipped and organized. They rained shells and bullets on towns and villages, burned houses with families inside, imprisoned Muslim men in detention camps and starved them to death, and raped thousands of Bosnian women. All sides committed atrocities. The Serbs...carried out the worst crimes. these included what came to be called ethnic cleansing... campaigns of murder and terror" (1044). SERIOUSLY? I would've thought that by now, people would've learned to stop all this ethnic cleansing. After learning about the holocaust and all the anti-semitism- I had hoped that as I continued to learn more about the history of Europe and of the world i would learn that man is better than this: better than killing someone just because he/she is different. I know that may sound cliché or corny or whatever, but it is honestly what I am thinking and feeling. I am outraged by reading of the horrors of mankind. Maybe I am just snapping right now because it's hard to learn about the history of Europe and see just how horrible (and obviously how great) man can be. But truly, those people that did "ethnic cleansing" are showing that their true essence (existentialism) is EVIL.
In both Czechoslavakia and Yugoslavia- there was a mix of people that belonged to different races, traditions, etc... but there was still a lack of toleration. Ethnic tension that had been suppressed by "centralized communist governments" returned and racial violence continued throughout Eastern Europe (1044). As I keep reading, I learn that even more ethnic cleansing occurred when the Serbs forced hundreds of thousands of Albanians from their homes in 1999. 1999 was during my lifetime- that is what scares me. THIS IS STILL HAPPENING? 

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