Sunday, March 29, 2009

Division and Destruction

For me, this section of the reading is symbolized by the Berlin Wall. Division between East and West Germany. Division between East and West Berlin. Division between the USA (West) and the Soviet Union (East). It just seems to me that the rift between those that support communism and those that support democracy has gotten so much bigger after the war ended. "The nuclearization of warfare fed into the polarizing effect of the cold war, for countries without nuclear arms found it difficult to avoid joining either the Soviet or American pact" (987). Basically, the smaller countries without the H-bomb were forced to take sides and help fight against "the others." That phrase in the textbook: "to defend family and home against the menacing other" reminds me of LOST. Anyways...  Everyone was almost forced to take sides: as shown by the creation of both NATO and the Warsaw Pact of 1955. The democracies around the world formed NATO and the USA led the way against communism with the Marshall Plan (provide military assistance to anticommunists) and the Truman Doctrine (support the resistance of "free peoples" to communism" (985)). Basically, I just felt that the world was divided even more than it was during the war. COMMUNISM VS DEMOCRACY.

"It seemed to confirm both humanity's power and its vulnerability" (987). This statement is true just because with technology and power comes responsibility. Even though I am an American, I don't agree with the US's decision to drop the atom bomb on Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It is horrible the amount of innocent lives that were destroyed in just a few seconds. That is a scary thought- that humans hold the power to destroy all of humanity. One push of a button and we are all wiped out.  BAM! TOTAL DESTRUCTION!

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